SmartMouse : When your Smart Phone squeaks

Posted: October 14, 2013 in Uncategorized


There are times when an external mouse comes handy while browsing or while playing an exciting FPS game on a laptop computer. But one doesn’t carry a USB mouse always. Here comes your smartphone to the rescue !

The movement of phone can be mapped to the movement of mouse pointer using Accelerometer present in the phone. Accelerometer data is sent wireless ( the phone and computer being in the same network ). Network can be established using WiFi-Hotspot present in the phone.

The server program runs on the smart phone. It sends Accelerometer data to the client program on the computer, which filters the data and sends corresponding signals to move the mouse pointer.

Currently, a server program has been developed to send X and Y data from the Accelerometer to the client program running on the computer. The client program is written in java. Thanks to Vishal for…

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